Thinking about taking your UK Amateur Radio Licence? If you are, great, foundation is certainly an underestimated level in many respects, yes it is a stepping stone to the full licence, but it is also quite possible to talk around the world with just 25W as I have done so myself. I must admit I like to take my handheld out on days that have tropospheric ducting (More about that on the Propagation page) Try the Essex Ham Foundation online course Here
Welcome to the homepage of Terry 2EØIPK,I became interested in Amateur Radio about 49 years ago when I was around 14 and was given a Shortwave Radio, I took it to work when I was a messenger in London and listened to mainly Amateur stuff rather than commercial and as a fan ever since. At the age of 59 I decided it was time to get licenced, especially as at this time they had dropped Morse Code from the test. So February 23 rd 2017 I passed my Foundation and November 18 th 2017 I passed my Intermediate Licence. Plan to take the advanced? I did plan to take it but reading has become a major problem to me, I read a paragraph then whoops it’s gone
I now have a digital Gateway for Fusion via a Wires-x HRI-200 box, I knew I would have to give up my Yaesu FTM 100 but presently it has taken over the sound coming out of my laptop (Now sorted) which means for the time being it will be turned on sporadically, however anybody is free to use it and it will be kept on CQ-UK untill somebody changes it. but it’s there for all to use on 433.6375 MHz. Enjoy
Do Not Use 431-432 MHz if you are transmitting within 100 KM of Charing Cross, London. (within the circle on the map to the left) This is included within the band plan for the UK and is also covered in the foundation licence. Where I often go is just outside that area, however I still wouldn’t use more than 10W output power (My choice) especially if there’s a tropo lift on. Foundation licence holders please be aware of this information Thankyou
IPK London is a personal site, any software downloaded from here can be used but at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any misfortune you may have.
are incredible hotspots for the digital voice
modes, using the pi-star software I rate these way above the Openspot that I also have. Openspot use their own software that they regularly update for their LATEST version, older versions they leave behind. Zumspots use the Pi-Star software that many other hotspots use, that means it is updated for all hotspots everywhere. And that OLED screen is awesome £159.95 complete at ML&S. Take a look.
Yaesu FT 450D still a popular starter radio despite the small fact that it has been discontinued. You still see many coming through 2nd hand from dealers and being snapped up by new hams. Let’s face it you can see why too, I’ve had mine a while now, I don’t only use it as a base station, I also use it go out portable. I remember last year, propagation wasn’t too great , but decided go out anyway. So I went to St Margarets Bay in Kent and set up my Buddistick on the roof of the car, table to the side, couple of foldable canvas chairs and sat there calling CQ. There wasn’t too much activity going on with 20M or 40M although I did make a few contacts. Then I decided to use CW and try the Reverse Beacon Network. I sent it but couldn’t check it there and then as there was no Internet connection where I was. When I got back to the caravan I looked up the data and found I was spotted in Tunisia, which wasn’t bad at 15W, I think salt water propagation played a major part but I’ll take that anytime
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Current Time in London
Mon, June 6
Don’t Be Fooled, Okay, a while ago I heard somebody (I’m not sure where from) saying on 20M “Is this frequency in use” he said it at least four times and nobody came back. The bands were busy due to a contest taking place but this frequency was dead, He then called “CQ NON Contest” a couple of times and somebody in Germany came back to him, they were having a conversation for around six minutes when another Ham cut in and said that he’s “trying to have a conversation and “you guys have just cut across us”. No he hadn’t Nobody was there, as I was listening from the very start and I heard nothing from him or anybody else whatsoever other than the “CQ” caller and his contact. after the “CQ” caller departed I kept on channel for around ten minutes and the one who asked them to leave said “I didn’t think that would work, I’ll have to do that again on a busy day”. I thought that was disgusting behaviour So watch out for that, it really does happen.
I’m not really a great one for advertising but take a look at this company, I have three fleeces from these and they’re of great quality, in fact I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this if I didn’t have every faith in their quality, I’d just put an ad in and leave it at that. Just take a look you won’t regret it
Yesterday’s contact with a station in Assissi calliing out San Francisco to my surprise then I realised San Francisco in Italy would be Saint Francis, so it was a commemoration to him. I’ll be on the lookout for them again that’s for sure. He died 3rd October 1226 and The feast or celebration of St Francis is on 4th October. Well done to those in Assisi for commemerating this day with a special callsign, so glad I got it.
Okay, I have to admit that this is a great little antenna and let’s be fair at around £165 it is great value too. Not sure if they are still being produced but I like to think so. They come with a tripod adaptor and a clamp, both of these alone would be a great idea but I also use a magmount, yes they can be used that way too (but don’t drive along with it). I have had some great contacts just sitting in the car, Israel, Kuwait, New York, also 4 miles up the road (wow). I’ll be oneday (in the summer) trying magmount with the Super Antenna, it should be exactly the same principal as the Buddistick but I’lll have to wait and see.
Ofcom Have now introduced their phase one part of their review of Ham Radio licencing, so that means the power increases have come into play (Make sure you’ve done your EMF calculations) New M8 and M9 callsigns for Intermediate also allowing current Intermediate licence holders to change to M8 and M9 (as I will do). Nov’s, Remote control via Internet changing plus lot’s more all come into being later in the year, take a look at their proposals by clicking right here
Time in Dagenham:
Antenna Batteries Radio Analyser
Going Portable One thing about Amateur Radio that I like is to go out portable especially on a nice sunny day. Going portable is fine as long as you remember to take all of your equipment with you, I remember once I drove 9 miles to a local park only to find that I left my antenna at home in the hallway, basic but it happens. I now keep a checklist and get it all ready the night prior to operation. There are often contests or special days arising like 145 Alive, or SSB HF Contests and these can be more enjoyable out portable, certainly for me for two reasons. (1) At home I have an S8 noise floor. (2) To be out in the open air with the sun shining down on me is much more enjoyable than looking at 4 walls on a warm sunny day. Go out armed with Lunch and Flask of Coffee or Tea and enjoy the day. Don’t forget to plan your day as best you can, every
11 October
For years I have been watching Amateurlogic month in and month out, they record it LIVE once a month on a Friday evening (well Friday evening over there but for us in the UK it’s 2AM Saturday morning) and provided that I am still awake I join the fun live. I say “Fun” because it’s such a relaxed recording that incorporates a chat room with VERY friendly people from many places in the world including yes us from the other side of the pond. Take a look at the episode on the left and visit They also record Ham College for the U.S licences but hey radio is radio the whole world over so apart from U.S practices the tech stuff is for everybody. Again this uses a fun chat room. As stated above I have been watching this for years and as long as they keep recording I will keep watching. I will update this video once a month shortly after the next episode comes out. There’s not much I can do for them from my location but I can help by getting the word out there. Oh and if you’re not wearing a shirt right now why not visit Sorry just wanted to add that last bit, it’s a bit of a standing joke, I think I mentioned my shirt in one of my own video’s lol
The latest Amateurlogic from the U.S
Down at present Until after RSGB Convention.
Do Not Use 431-432 MHz  if you are transmitting within 100 KM of Charing Cross, London. (within the circle on the map to the left) This is included within the band plan for the UK and is also covered in the foundation licence. Where I often go is just outside that area, however I still wouldn’t use more than 10W output power (My choice) especially if there’s a tropo lift on. Foundation licence holders please be aware of this information Thankyou
No, the T-Shirt doesn’t say Drunk
Okay, strange things happen on amateur radio we know, and obviously we can all get into European repeaters at the time of a lift and standing on the White Cliffs at Dover obviously makes that a little easier, however I hit the Caen Repeater 150+ miles as the crow flies from there and I am greeted by an amateur from North Dorset lol. Now okay, I am very grateful for the reply as there was no reply from any Frenchman on this occasion and we stayed on there for a few minutes (a Frenchman answered me later on the Yzengremer repeater) but it does prove a point, this is the second time this has happened to me, first time it was a contact via PI2NOS in Holland where I spoke to an amateur in Norfolk. Forget EME (Earth Moon Earth) we also have EEE (England Europe England) As I don’t use HF at the moment I keep an eye on tropo and it never ceases to amaze me, I always end up thinking wow that was strange.
Going Digital


Welcome to the homepage of Terry 2EØIPK I became

interested in Amateur Radio about 48 years ago

when I was around 14 and was given a Shortwave

Radio, I took it to work and listened mainly to

Amateur stuff rather than commercial and as a fan ever since. At the age of 59 I decided it was time to get licenced, especially as at this time they had dropped Morse Code from the test. So February 23 rd 2017 I passed my Foundation and November 18 th 2017 I passed my Intermediate Licence. Plan to take the advanced? Yes, but certainly not yet, I had an enormous headache whilst taking the Intermediate.
are incredible hotspots for the digital voice
modes, using the pi-star software I rate these way above the Openspot that I also have. Openspot use their own software that they regularly update for their LATEST version, older versions they leave behind. Zumspots use the Pi-Star software that many other hotspots use, that means it is updated for all hotspots everywhere. And that OLED screen is awsome £159.95 complete at ML&S. Take a look.
Nets around the country are a great way to meet others and keep your hobby alive also to get rid of lockdown boredom in these trying times. There are many FM nets around and I am in the middle of producing a list of these, so if you know of one please let me know via the contact page Here There are many nets via Digital services too, I’ll try to make a list of those too.Stay Safe.
I watched a video from Peter Waters (Waters and Stanton) showing the Buddistick Antenna and thought that’s a great idea for an antenna, so my family purchased one and am extremely pleased with it, it covers 40mtrs to 2mtrs and have already had some great results,even though propagation isn’t what it could be, cannot wait for solar cycle 25 to really kick in. Keep an eye on my YouTube channel (2E0IPK) I have a video coming soon with me out portable at a park in Essex, For £165 this antenna is excellent value. For the best Buddistick settings click here
buddistick Checklist lorem ipsum consectetur
Going Out Portable? Be Prepared. Whatever you do, don’t forget anything you require for portable operation. It has happened to me, I went out and left my main antenna at home, fortunately I was only 8 miles from home. Whatever you do make a checklist, it’ll save much grief believe me.
So, in July 2021 we had a lightning strike that took out my router and everything attached to it, and the most massive crash of thunder I have ever heard in my life. Anyway after the nerves stopped racing everywhere I checked the damage. Sure enough It had a burned out router, CCTV system, Sky box, Freesat box, my daughter’s Playstation, My new laptop, my radio power supply SWR meter and of course my Diamond X30 antenna. Everything now replaced, I had Waveform Arials put the new antenna up last Monday (11th October 2021. If you live in the London, Essex or Kent area’s and need an antenna erected give Waveform a call on 01322223484 or 07948404532, I think you’ll be glad you did.
Did you take part in the ISS SSTV programme over the Christmas break? Got to say I was surprised how well my static X50 antenna picked up the signal, crystal clear audio although only my Robot 36 android app could make anything out of it. I’ll now look forward to the next time the ISS decide to start transmitting.
I was desperate to get an antenna analyser so I could get my EFHW up and running instead of the cheap speaker wire I was using, then I saw this VNA and thought this could be the thing for me, so as part of my Christmas and birthday presents I got it and it works extremely well. Not only is it a way of measuring SWR without transmitting through the radio, also checks Inductance and has Smith Charts. So, what are Smith Charts? No Idea (Yet) but I’m eager to find out, I am aware though that the optimum place to be is plum centre. This is a tool that every Ham should have for antenna work, I have a couple of antenna’s I need to sort out soon and as Spring is well on the way now it’ll be great getting outside and doing what needs to be done, Hell it’ll be just great to get outside again full stop.
Don’t Be Fooled, Okay, a while ago I heard somebody (I’m not sure where from) saying on 20M “Is this frequency in use” he said it at least four times and nobody came back. The bands were busy due to a contest taking place but this frequency was dead, He then called “CQ NON Contest” a couple of times and somebody in Germany came back to him, they were having a conversation for around six minutes when another Ham cut in and said that he’s “trying to have a conversation and you guys have just cut across us”. No he hadn’t Nobody was there, as I was listening from the very start and I heard nothing from him or anybody else whatsoever other than the “CQ” caller and his contact. after the “CQ” caller departed I kept on channel and the one who asked them to leave said “I didn’t think that would work, I’ll have to do that again on a busy day”. I thought what an arse. So watch out for that, it really does happen.
I’m not really a great one for advertising but take a look at this company, I have three fleeces from these and they’re of great quality, in fact I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this if I didn’t have every faith in their quality, I’d just put an ad in and leave it at that. Just take a look you may not regret it
Yesterday’s contact with a station in Assissi calliing out San Francisco to my surprise then I realised San Francisco in Italy would be Saint Francis, so it was a commemoration to him, glad I got it. I’ll be on the lookout for them again that’s for sure
The latest Amateurlogic from the U.S
I now have a digital Gateway for Fusion via a Wires-x HRI-200 box, I knew I would have to give up my Yaesu FTM 100 but presently it has taken over the sound coming out of my laptop (Now sorted) which means for the time being it will be turned on sporadically, however anybody is free to use it and it will be kept on CQ-UK untill somebody changes it. but it’s there for all to use on 433.6375 MHz. Enjoy
Down at present Until after RSGB Convention.