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TX Factor is a Television Programme dedicated to sll things Amateur Radio. the show is presented by Bob McCreadie G0FGX, Mike Marsh G1IAR, Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ and Pete Sipple M0PSX.Had some great episodes so far but five of them I’d class as my favourites, to me these are what make Amateur Radio the hobby that it is (but that is only MY opinion) My Favourites are (in no particular order), Episode 09  Essex Radio Hams Episode 11 Tim Peake School contact. Episode 12  Mike and Bob Satellite contact. Episode 13  Jim Bacon on Tropospheric Ducting Episode 14  Steve Nichols on Sunspots and HF Propagation
Meet The Team Top Left Bob McCreadie G0FGX Top Middle Mike Marsh G1IAR Top Right Left in Pic Pete Sipple M0PSX Left, Left in pic Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ
Latest Episode
IPK London.uk This is the show that started my Amateur Radio journey, I was surfing the net for Amateur Radio as we used to have a town show and Amateur Radio had a marquee there but sadly people talking on radio’s and NOBODY giving advice, anyway I thought one night i’d look it up online and was amazed to find out that there was an actual show dedicated to it. The most recent show at that time was TX Factor #9 all set in and around Essex (My Area) wow what a coincidence I thought. Watching that episode introduced me to Essex Ham and speaking to Pete M0PSX he informed me about the Essex Skills night at Danbury. I went along and was hooked (not that that took much doing lol) and well, Here We Are a few years later.
Episode 31 out now
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Mon, June 6
TX Factor is a Television Programme dedicated to sll  things Amateur Radio. the show is presented by Bob McCreadie G0FGX, Mike Marsh G1IAR, Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ and Pete Sipple M0PSX.Had some great episodes so far but five of them I’d class as my favourites, to me these are what make Amateur Radio the hobby that it is (but that is only MY opinion)
My Favourites are (in no particular order), Episode 09 Essex Radio Hams Episode 11 Tim Peake School contact. Episode 12 Mike and Bob Satellite contact. Episode 13 Jim Bacon on Tropospheric Ducting Episode 14 Steve Nichols on Sunspots and HF Propagation
Meet The Team Top Left Bob McCreadie G0FGX Top Middle Mike Marsh G1IAR Top Right Left in Pic Pete Sipple M0PSX Left, Left in pic Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ
Latest Episode
IPK London.uk This is the show that started my Amateur Radio journey, I was  surfing the net for Amateur Radio as we used to have a town show  and Amateur Radio had a marquee there but sadly people talking  on radio’s and NOBODY giving advice, anyway I thought one night  i’d look it up online and was amazed to find out that there was an  actual show dedicated to it. The most recent show at that time was  TX Factor #9 all set in and around Essex (My Area) wow what a coincidence I thought. Watching that episode  introduced me to Essex Ham and speaking to Pete M0PSX  he informed me about the Essex Skills night at Danbury. I went  along and was hooked (not that that took much doing lol) and well,  Here We Are a few years later.